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Camp Evangelism Report

Fill out an online report or download the Report Form.

Online Report     Download Report Form

Why Take the Time to Prepare & Submit your Camp’s Evangelism Reports

We are excited to hear about the Summer Camp season this summer.  We have all worked hard all year doing all we can to keep camp ministry thriving.  Many of you have innovated new ways of doing summer camp, day camp, and retreat center ministries.  We want to tell the stories of what you have done, at your summer camps, day camps, and year-around camps serving your communities, the construction and maintenance projects that have accomplished – and the decisions for Jesus and baptisms. 

We will give a preliminary report at our AACP Convention in December. We will provide our complete Camp Evangelism Reports at the beginning of the new year to your Conference President, Union President, Secretary, and Treasurer. We want your camp ministry to be well represented in the report. They will be looking for their camp.

Camp Evangelism Reporting

Please prepare and submit your Report between Labor Day (Sept 2, 2024) and October 14, 2024.

Timeframe for 2024 Reports – End of Labor Day Sept. 4, 2023 to End of Labor Day Sept. 2, 2024.

Please review the Report Form and record your data for the items listed. You will notice that there are four areas for reporting: Summer Camp Report, Day Camp Report, Year-around Report, and Specialty Camps Report. You will also need to prepare your Camper Decisions Cards for each  of your camps.

We have two options for reporting:

  1. Online Reporting https://adventistyouthministries.org/ministries/camp-evangelism-report (preferred option)
  2. Hardcopy/email reporting – use the 2024 Camp Evangelism Report Form by marking your numbers to the left of each item, then scan and email it to TracyWood@nadAdventist.org

Camp Evangelism Reports Availability

At our upcoming AACP Camp Convention in December we will finalize and share our 2024 NAD Camp Evangelism Report.  At that time we will make any final edits. Then we will make the reports available to you for sharing with your administrators, stakeholders, and management boards.

Praying for God’s blessings on you and your staff,
Tracy Wood (AACP Secretary)
Carmen Ibanez (AACP President)
Terry Bolton (AACP Recording Secr)