Association of Adventist Camp Professionals
Constitution & Bylaws
voted at business session 12.7.2023
The official name of this organization shall be the Association of Adventist Camp Professionals. It is a ministry of the North American Division, a sub-committee of the NAD Camp Ministries Committee and is identified as "AACP" in the following articles.
“To equip and support camp ministry professionals
as they advance the kingdom of God”
“Our mission will be fulfilled when we see members equipped, stake holders informed and supportive, and guests engaged and experiencing Jesus.”
1) Biblically-based – God’s Word is the foundation upon which our ministry is built.
2) Christ Likeness – Jesus is our model as we serve the needs of our members.
3) Experiencing God in Nature – The study of God as revealed in His creation lies at the heart of Christian camping.
4) Excellence – We believe that God desires us to encourage excellence in our members.
5) Community – By intentional connections, we grow through worship, fellowship, sharing, professional practices and prayer.
6) Diversity – The unique perspective of each member makes us a stronger community.
The goals of the AACP are:
1. To encourage high professional practices in all facets of camp ministry, operation and service,
2. To effectively communicate the value of camp ministry to stakeholders,
3. To afford opportunity for every member to be a positive influence in the collective voice of Seventh-day Adventist Camp Professionals in North America, and
4. To provide quality education, appropriate training and useful resources to AACP camp members.
Section A. CAMP MEMBERS shall be involved or employed in Seventh-day Adventist camp ministries and are included in the camp membership dues. Any changes to the dues are voted at the regular business session or at a special business session as deemed necessary by the AACP Board. Dues will be based on a percentage of the camp’s total (gross) annual operating expenses and/or a flat rate as voted at a business session.
Section B. ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERS are those not affiliated with a member camp, but who support the vision and mission of AACP and the tenants of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Section C. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS shall include the NAD Camp Ministries personnel and designees.
Section D. FRIENDS OF AACP are those who want to be connected with the Association.
Section A. CAMP & ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERS - Dues and benefits are voted on at business sessions. Benefits include voice and vote at yearly business meetings.
Section B - EX-OFFICIO and FRIENDS OF CAMP MEMBERS - No dues are required. Benefits are voted on at business sessions.
Section A. REGULAR BUSINESS SESSION - AACP shall have a regular business session once each year at the convention or convention-substitute event. Written and/or email notice shall be given to the members at least 30 days prior to the date of any such session.
Section B. SPECIAL BUSINESS SESSIONS - The AACP Board may authorize, at such time and place and method as it deems necessary, special business sessions. Written and/or email notice shall be given to the members at least 30 days prior to the date of any such session.
Section C. AGENDA ITEMS - All business actions to be considered for a business session shall be received by the AACP President at least 60 days prior to the session date for consideration by the AACP board. Preliminary agendas will be published at least thirty days prior to the business session.
Section D. BOARD CHAIR - The President shall chair the meetings of the AACP business sessions. If the President is not available, the immediate Past President may chair the meeting. If neither are available, the Executive Secretary/Treasurer may chair the meeting.
Section E. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES – The business session shall generally follow the GC Rules of Order.
Section F. QUORUM - A quorum will be the members present whether physically, for a physical meeting, or electronically, for an electronic meeting, at a duly-called business session.
Section G. VOICE & VOTING MEMBERS - Only Camp, Organizational Members, and the NAD Camp Ministry Director have voice and voting privileges. all other members have the privilege of voice.
Section H. SIMPLE MAJORITY - Items voted on during a business session will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast unless otherwise stipulated by this document.
Section A. GOVERNING BODY - The AACP Board shall serve as the governing body of the AACP. As such, it shall exercise general administration over all matters pertaining to the Association.
Section B. MEMBERS - The membership of the AACP Board shall consist of the President, Executive Secretary/Treasurer, Vice President for Communication, E-News Editor, Vice President for Conventions, Continuing Education Director, immediate past President, President-elect, one representative from each union, and Union Youth Directors.
Section C. REGULAR BOARD MEETINGS - Regular meetings of the AACP Board shall be held at least twice a year for the purpose of reviewing the affairs of the Association and transacting such other business as may properly be brought before it. Telephone conference calls or other mutually-agreed electronic means are also an accepted form of board meeting. Board meetings shall tentatively be set and confirmed by the board no later than the end of January for the entire calendar year. Any subsequent changes must be agreed upon by those present at any given board meeting and be communicated to the board within two days.
Section D. SPECIAL (UNSCHEDULED) BOARD MEETINGS – A special board meeting may be called by the President and/or the NAD Camp Ministries Director should unexpected issues arise requiring action prior to the next board meeting. The time and day should be reasonably set with the intent that as many board members as possible could participate. The minutes of this meeting shall be reported at the next regular board meeting for approval.
Section E. AGENDA - All agenda items to be considered shall be approved by a majority vote at the beginning of the board meeting. Any additional items must be approved by the board at this time.
Section F. BOARD CHAIR - The President shall chair the meetings of the AACP board meetings. If the President is not available, the immediate Past President may chair the meeting. If neither are available, the Executive Secretary/Treasurer may chair the meeting.
Section G. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURES – The board shall generally follow the GC Rules of Order.
Section H. QUORUM - A quorum will be the members present whether physically, for a physical meeting, or electronically, for an electronic meeting, at a duly-called board meeting.
Section I. INVITEES – The board may invite individuals as non-voting members to serve up to one year whose input would be a valuable resource toward furthering the mission of AACP and in fulfilling AACP’s goals as an association.
Section J. VOTING – SIMPLE MAJORITY – Decisions will be determined by a simple majority of votes cast.
Section K. MINUTES – Minutes shall be provided to all board members within two weeks of a board meeting and shall be posted on the AACP website once they have been approved.
Section A. PRESIDENT - The President shall assume office after serving as President-Elect, then serve two years as President, and then serve two years as Past President. The President shall chair the meetings of the Board and the AACP business sessions, as well as serve as the leading officer of the Association. The President also serves as a member of the NAD Camp Committee.
Section B. PAST PRESIDENT - The immediate Past President shall serve as a member of the Board for two years as the Parliamentarian, the Mentor Committee Chair, and fulfill other duties as assigned.
Section C. PRESIDENT-ELECT - The President-Elect shall assume office of the President after serving two years, will chair the Constitution & Bylaws Committee, and fulfill other duties as assigned.
Section D. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/TREASURER - The Executive Secretary/Treasurer shall be the current NAD Camp Ministries Director. The Executive Secretary/Treasurer and/or his/her designee is responsible for the financial records, minutes, funds and membership records of the Association, and serves as the primary liaison between the AACP and the NAD Camp Committee, and is the chair of the Nominating Committee and oversees the administering of the election process.
Section E. VICE-PRESIDENT FOR CONVENTIONS– The Vice President for Conventions shall serve for three years. During the first year, he/she shall be known as the VP for Conventions-Elect and be mentored by the VP for Conventions. During the last two years, he/she will be responsible for planning and executing the annual AACP Convention, including, but not limited to, the following: assisting the NAD Camp Ministries Director in negotiating and securing the ‘board-voted’ location of the convention, proposing a workable and balanced convention budget to the board, submitting a name for the Assistant VP for Conventions to the board for approval, and chairing as well as inviting individuals to serve on the Convention Planning Committee who shall also assist him/her in planning, conducting, and evaluating the convention. During the third year, he/she shall the newly elected VP for Conventions.
Section F. ASSISTANT VP FOR CONVENTIONS - The Assistant VP for Conventions shall serve for one year and be responsible for putting in place all educational curriculum for the AACP convention. Prior to serving his/her name shall be submitted by the VP for Conventions to the board for review and approval. He/she shall sit on the AACP board as a non-voting member, serve on the Conventions Planning Committee and assist the VP for Conventions as needed.
Section G. VICE-PRESIDENT FOR COMMUNICATIONS – The Vice President for Communications shall serve for two years and shall oversee the social media presence of AACP and chair the Communications Committee.
Section H. E-NEWS EDITOR – The E-News Editor shall serve for two years, publish the camp newsletter called the E-News, and collect and maintain an accurate database for distribution.
Section I. CONTINUING EDUCATION DIRECTOR - The Continuing Education Director shall serve for two years and coordinate online educational/training events for AACP members.
Section J. UNION REPRESENTATIVES – The union representatives shall serve as members for two years and shall work at the pleasure of the board. They are to be a liaison between their local union camps and the AACP board.
Section K. UNION YOUTH DIRECTORS– These shall serve at the pleasure of the board and support camp ministries within their local union through training, finance, nurture, and encouragement.
Section L. – PARLIAMENTARIAN – The parliamentarian shall be the Past President. The duties shall include:
1. Provides AACP members and the AACP board with training on simple parliamentary procedures as needed (how to state a motion, rules of debate, quorums, etc. Generally based on GC rules of order),
2. Maintains a copy of the constitution and bylaws at all business and board meetings,
3. Keeps track of the order of those wishing to speak, motions, amendments, voting, etc., and
4. Assists with the election and voting procedures.
a. The nominating committee will consist of the union representatives.
b. The Executive Secretary/Treasurer or his/her designee shall call the meetings and serve as the chairperson of the nominating committee.
c. The nominating committee shall meet together during the odd-year convention to review the nominating committee’s work and process.
d. If possible, each committee member is urged to provide by the end of the convention up to three names to the nominating committee chair for each of the AACP officer positions.
e. The nominating committee will meet primarily by phone conference, online platform or other similar means and utilize technology as necessary for secret ballot voting.
f. The nominating committee shall meet as necessary in order to present two names for each office no later than October 31st of the following year.
Section 2- POSITIONS TO FILL – The Nominating Committee will provide two names for each of the following positions: President-elect, Vice-President for Communications, Vice-President for Conventions-elect, and Continuing Education Director.
Section 3 – CANDIDATES - No AACP member shall be submitted as a candidate unless the nominating committee has verified with them their willingness to have their name placed before the membership. Candidates shall be employees of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in camp ministry.
Section 4. CANDIDATE INFORMATION - Prior to the business session, a brief biography of each candidate shall be provided to the members at least two weeks before the election and then again briefly by the chairperson or his/her designee of the nominating committee just prior to voting.
Section 5. ELECTION VOTING – The actual election shall be overseen by the Executive Secretary/Treasurer or his/her designee. Elections will be by secret ballot whether by paper or electronic voting methods approved by the board. The nominating committee chair, AACP President, and AACP Past President shall oversee the counting of the ballots and submit a final report to the general session. The new officers shall be presented upon the official announcement of the ballot results.
Section 6. ASSUMPTION OF OFFICE - Elected officers shall assume their office on January 1 following their election.
Section 7. UNION REPRESENTATIVES - Union representatives shall be selected by union caucus at or before each business session on a staggered-year basis. The following unions shall elect a representative every even year: Columbia, Southwestern, Lake, and Pacific. The following unions shall elect a representative every odd year: Atlantic, Canadian, Mid-America, North Pacific, and Southern.
Section 8. E-NEWS EDITOR - The E-News Editor shall be appointed (or re-appointed) by the AACP board every even year and ratified by the body in a regular business session.
Section 9. CONTINUING EDUCATION DIRECTOR - The Continuing Education Director shall be elected by the body in regular business session.
Section 10. BOARD VACANCIES – Vacancies shall be filled as follows:
a. AACP PRESIDENT – In the event that the President is unable to complete the term of service, the immediate past president will fill the position to complete the term. If for some reason the immediate past president is unavailable or unable to do so, then the president-elect shall complete the term. In the event that the President-elect is unable to serve, the AACP Board will select an Interim President who will serve as President until the next regularly scheduled election. The AACP Board will appoint this person with a 2/3 majority vote.
b. PRESIDENT ELECT- In the event of a vacancy the AACP Board shall, with a two-thirds majority vote, appoint an individual to serve out the remainder of that calendar year. In the meantime, the nominating committee shall submit two names for a vote at the next business session. Once elected, that individual will complete the term regardless of the amount of time remaining.
c. PAST PRESIDENT AND AACP VICE-PRESIDENTS - In the event of a vacancy the AACP Board shall appoint an individual to fill those responsibilities with at least a two-thirds majority vote.
d. UNION REPRESENTATIVES If a Union Representative is unable to complete their term, the AACP President will work with the Union’s camps to select a replacement prior to the next board meeting. This replacement will fulfill the remainder of the vacated term.
e. E-NEWS EDITOR - Should a vacancy occur, the AACP board shall appoint an individual to fill this role to the next AACP business session whereupon a name shall be submitted to the members at large for ratification.
f. CONTINUING EDUCATION DIRECTOR - Should a vacancy occur, the AACP board shall appoint an individual to fill this role until the next regularly scheduled election.
Section 11. REMOVAL FROM BOARD – A member of the board may be removed by two-thirds vote of the board. The Executive Secretary/Treasurer will call and chair this meeting.
Section 1. FISCAL AUTHORITY AND FINANCIAL REPORTS - All financial matters shall be overseen by the Executive Secretary/Treasurer who shall present a current financial report at each regular board meeting and business session.
Section 2. FINANCE COMMITTEE – This standing committee shall consist of the NAD Camp Ministries Director, AAPC President, VP for Conventions, and one Union Representative who will serve for one calendar year.
Section 3. APPROVING ANNUAL BUDGET – The finance committee will prepare a proposed balanced budget which will reflect the priorities of the association. This budget will be presented to the board for review and recommendations and then to the membership at a business session for review, revisions if necessary, and voted approval.
Section 4. MAINTAINING FINANCIAL INTEGRITY – Should actual income or expense fall outside of the budgeted limitations, the board is authorized to make necessary adjustments as needed to maintain the financial integrity of the association.
The constitution and bylaws may be amended and/or revised at any regular or special business session by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present and voting. However, the members of the Association must be advised in the notice of such a meeting of the proposed amendments and/or revisions. The revisions and recommendations shall be posted on the AACP website. A link to this site will be sent to the membership at least 30 days prior to the called meeting. Requests for hard copy must be made to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee Chair at least 21 days in advance of the business session.